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Personal and social wellbeing depends upon the quality of relationships within families and communities, and within and between organisations and nations. 

Relational Research

Improving society by strengthening the quality of relationships.

We define a relationship as a human connection between individuals, groups or organisations, revealed in the way they talk and behave. Working with relationships over many years in business, public services, public policy and peace building, combined with the insights into relationships that many different cultures and academic disciplines provide, has built a rich picture of how organisational and personal relationships are influenced by a multitude of factors.

Relational Research has helped to launch these organisations.

Relational Research has published a paper by Emily Ho on Relational Rights. We are also about to publish a book by Michael Schluter entitled Is Corporate Capitalism the best we’ve got to offer?, forthcoming September 2022.

List of Current Projects

Relational Rights

An alternative world-inclusive and relationship-affirming understanding of human rights.

Is Corporate Capitalism the best we’ve got to offer?

The real problem with corporate capitalism and how we can solve it.


Relational Literacy

Research Project awaiting funding.
